Charles first feature film portrays Lisa, an emotionally strong and driven woman who loses her will to go on, when everything she has worked long and hard for, was imperiled due to a night of drunken and unbridled passion. In addition, Lisa is an international student, and is on the verge of graduating from four grueling years of college; the final eighteen months on an expired student visa during which she experienced great financial hardship. Years of balancing two jobs to pay for her tuition, and maintaining a modest apartment in New York, married to a husband who is unable to keep a steady job, and a vicious, insecure and domineering female boss have all contribute to a rapid breakdown of her resolve.
Starring: Lauren Marrisa Smith, Bennie Lee and Kara Young Available also on NVFLIX.COM, REELHOUSE.ORG, Vimeo and STUDIO ANASI.